
In the Know


Expect delays on the LIRR Montauk Branch week of 3/12/13 …Greeting Hamptons Mouthpiece readers…Last week we were informed that County Road 39 would be closed in Southampton in the evenings for 2-3 days March 12-15th 2013 7pm-5am, for road repair. The LIRR released  this information on their website that there would be some changes on the Montauk branch and buses will replace trains from Speonk to Montauk for 72 Hours from Tuesday, March 12 thru Friday, March 15, 2013, for Bridge Rehab Work . The Latest Phase of $22.4M Project of rehabilitation of the three east end Bridges which includes AM & PM Peak Outages.

With train service suspended along this segment of the Montauk Branch, the LIRR will take advantage of the track time to reconstruct the railroad crossing on Montauk Highway near Flying Point Road to accommodate future plans of the Town of Southampton to widen Montauk Highway. As a result, Montauk Highway will be closed to vehicular traffic at that juncture on Tuesday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 13.

Add 40 minutes to your commute in the morning for commuters from Montauk-Speonk if you need to take to bus that will be replacing the trains this week or you can carpool with some of your train buddies and drive to Speonk in the morning to avoid this craziness. Here is your schedule for this week on the Montauk branch.

click on link for revised PDF schedule for this week only or take a look at the scheduled listed below.

The following  information listed below taken from the LIRR website ..


For More Information:
Customers can call 511, the New York State Travel Information Line say: Long Island Rail Road. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, use your preferred relay service provider for the free 711 relay to reach the LIRR at 511. Montauk branch customers can also consult the MTA website at At the website, they can sign up for free email service alerts, the fastest and most accurate way to monitor LIRR `trains.

Greetings Hamptons Mouthpiece readers…Our popular book store BookHampton says goodbye to Sag Harbor for awhile…I saw a sign posted on the window and so I stopped in the store today March 10th to inquire what was going on. I was told that BookHampton was leaving its current space on Main Street because the space was too big. They are seeking another smaller space on Main Street in Sag Harbor but currently they have not found one and are left without a home. While they wait to find a home in Sag Harbor,  you can visit the other locations in East Hampton and Southampton. Online Book StoreIt really does not surprise me that they are seeking a smaller space and downsizing, the increase of  the E-book, Kindle and the iPad are dominating the market and possibly decreasing the book sales. Are more people reading on their electronic devices? The other obstacle that small local bookstores like BookHampton face are the online bookstores like Amazon, Barnes & Noble and a variety of other deep discounted online bookstores. It might be increasingly difficult for bookstores to be able to compete with online cost, at least that is what Julie Bosman from the New York Times says in an article she wrote titled “The Bookstore’s Last Stand”

Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg of the Wall Street journal reports that sales of print books  have declined 22% since 2008. Some suggest that sales of print in stores have fallen more than that. Where do customers go when their favorite local book store closes, they turn to online purchasing because it is the more convenient option left for these customers.

As for me personally I am torn, I  enjoy reading books on my ipad, and I also order books online at Amazon, however I do enjoy going to BookHampton because they are local and they display suggested books from local authors. I love the customer service that you can only get in a bookstore and I love when they have visiting authors. I am sad BookHampton is leaving the village right now and I look forward to their return to the village because they do complete Main Street in Sag Harbor.

Greetings Hamptons MouthPiece Readers..New York public transportation rates will increase effective MARCH 1ST 2013 on NYC Subways, Local Buses, Staten Island Railway, LIRR, Metro-North, Bridges, Tunnels and Express Buses. This increase was approved last year and how quickly time moves and the rising cost of living in the Great State of New York is staggering. It is becoming increasing expensive to live in New York. Gas is on the rise, averaging at $4.09 for regular and now the price increase to take public transportation. They are even talking about Gas going as high as $5.00 in NY…how insane is this?

Here are the New York Public transportation price increases:

New York City Subway, Local Buses and Staten Island Railway :


  • Metrocard $2.50 for a single ride, $30 for a 7-day and $112 for a 30-day unlimited. LIRR &  MetroNorth increase 8.19% to 9.31%, brides & tunnels
  • 30-day unlimited-ride MetroCard will cost $112, up from the current $104. The seven-day unlimited-ride MetroCard will cost $30, up from the current $29.
  • The base fare will increase to $2.50, from the current $2.25. But the threshold for receiving a bonus discount will be lowered to $5, from the current $10.
  •  discount is being reduced from the current 7% to 5%, or 25? for every $5 put onto the card. The effective cost of a single trip for users of the bonus discount pay-per-ride MetroCard will be $2.38.

To encourage customers to keep and re-load their MetroCards, the MTA will institute a $1 surcharge to purchase a new MetroCard at a subway station. There will be no charge to refill an existing MetroCard, or to transfer a balance from an expired MetroCard onto a new one, and customers will be able to purchase pay-per-ride value and unlimited ride passes on the same MetroCard. There will be no surcharge to purchase a MetroCard from any of the hundreds of merchants who sell them outside of the transit system, or to add a MetroCard to the rear of a railroad ticket. In addition, reduced fare customers (seniors and customers with disabilities), users of EasyPayXpress cards and transit benefit organization customers who get their MetroCards directly from employers or their benefit providers will be exempt from the charge.

LIRRLong Island Rail Road and Metro-North Railroad

Railroad ticket prices will continue to vary based on the distance traveled, time of day traveling (off peak or peak) and the type of ticket purchased (monthly, weekly, 10-trip, or one-way). On average, most tickets will increase by 8.19% to 9.31%, although depending on ticket type and zone, percentage increases may vary.

The discounted City Ticket, good for weekend transportation on the LIRR between Manhattan and Queens or between Brooklyn and Queens, or on Metro-North for weekend transportation between Manhattan and the Bronx, will increase to $4.00 from $3.75.

The LIRR will establish discounts for military personnel on active duty and will extend to the evening peak period the Family Fare discount for children traveling with parents or guardians, matching Metro-North’s fare policies.

midtown tunnelMTA Bridges and Tunnels

MTA crossings will rise to $5.33 for E-ZPass users, up from the current $4.80,

$7.50 (up from the current $6.50) using anything other than an E-ZPass

These new rates will apply at the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge, Queens Midtown Tunnel, Throgs Neck Bridge, Bronx-Whitestone Bridge and Hugh L. Carey Tunnel (formerly the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel)

  •  Verrazano-Narrows Bridge will be reduced for Staten Island residents out of recognition of geographic disadvantages that were given voice during the public review process. Staten Island residents with a valid resident E-ZPass plan who make one or two westbound trips per month per account will be charged $6.36 per trip. Those who make three or more trips per month will be charged $6.00 a trip. (The extra 36? per trip will be charged on the first two trips if three or more trips are not made by the end of the month.) The nonresident toll charged on the bridge will continue to match the round-trip tolls on the five crossings mentioned above. It will be $10.66 for NYCSC E-ZPass users, and $15 for cash users. The toll is collected in one direction only, westbound toward Staten Island.
  •  Henry Hudson Bridge will increase to $2.44 for NYSC E-ZPass users, up from the current $2.20. For others, the toll will increase to $5, up from the current $4.
  • Cross Bay Bridge and the Marine Parkway-Gill Hodges Memorial Bridge will rise to $2.00 for NYSC E-ZPass users, up from $1.80, and $3.75 for cash users, up from $3.25. Residents of the Rockaway Peninsula and Broad Channel will continue to receive toll rebates and discounts when using a valid resident E-ZPass. The toll for residents on these bridges will rise to $1.31, up from $1.19. The residents’ toll will continue to be fully rebated for crossings of the Cross Bay Bridge, under a program made possible by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the State Legislature.

How can you save…Buy an E-ZPass if you are driving everyday. Purchase monthly passes if you are using public transportation. For those of us using these services periodically be ready for the increase.

For more information on an insight into the reasons for the fare and toll here:

As Always Hamptons MouthPiece keeping you in the know!

Crazy Love-Break the Silence-Stop the Violence…Greetings Hamptons Mouthpiece readers... You are smart. You are beautiful. You are strong. Your past is gone, and your future is yours to write. You can do this. You can walk away. You can tell someone. You do not have to be a victim.  February is not only a celebration of love with Valentine’s Day, National Heart Awareness month, Celebration of Black History month, it is also Violence prevention for teens locally & nationwide month.

Yesterday I posted a status message on my Facebook page and I received so many comments, I thought it was worthy of sharing with my readers. My first purpose for sharing such a graphic image was to get my point across to the hundreds of young women who follow me on Facebook. They say A picture is worth a thousand words…..Both Rihanna and Chris Brown are celebrities with an enormous following…Rihanna has over 28 million twitter followers and Chris Brown has over 12 million followers together they influence over 40 million people. It was important to highlight their complicated and abusive relationship. You have young women between the ages of 16-25 watching and mimicking this relationship and that saddens me. This is the age group that are more likely to be abused. Is it wrong for me to focus on this couple, I don’t think so.bigstock-Collage-of-three-happy-excited-26835881

I believe my girls will make smart choices and never allow anyone to put their hands on them in an abusive situation, you can never be sure. Chris Brown has a huge following and many of these followers are young women and young men. The young men are seeing that this beautiful woman “Rihanna” took him back after a highly publicized abusive fallout. These young men will think they can mimic this behavior and suffer no real consequences. Let review what has occurred, Chris Brown by his own admission admitted to abusing Rihanna, he was criminally charged but serves no time, his career takes a minor setback and he comes back to be nominated for a Grammy 2 years later with who by his side…the same woman he attacked. I am not saying that one should not be able to redeem themselves, and I am not indicating that one cannot change. I question this public relationship and the painful message that it sends to nearly 40 million people who follow them mostly teens.

bigstock-Silhouette-of-a-man-slapping-a-35847950FACEBOOK STATUS MESSAGE: “This message is for young women…this is not love..anyone that can abuse you like this, you need to find the strength to walk away and not look back. This can happen again. This is a picture of Rihanna when she was beat-up by Chris Brown and a picture of them together during the Grammy’s 2013”

(unfortunately I cannot publish an image on my site…but you can click here to see image 1 of the physical abuse in 2011 and a recent image of Rihanna & Chris Brown at the Grammy’s together this year 2013…click here: Grammy’s 2013

I received so much feed back and I wanted to share the responses because this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I lost a very close friend to domestic abuse many years ago and there is not a day that I do not think about her. Could her life have been saved had she “broke the silence” maybe…no one will ever know. My friend Lynne was one of the most beautiful people that anyone would be so happy to call their friend, she was a true friend. Lynne and  I met through another mutual friend who herself was in an abusive relationship but had the strength to walk away from it. One January evening Lynne’s husband killed her in their home with their children upstairs and left and proceeded to try kill himself, but failed and everyday he gets to live with his guilt. That day both of their beautiful girls became orphans. How did it get that far, why didn’t I see the signs, I saw them both the month before that horrific day. The reason why I did not see the signs is because Lynne was silent and she was holding on to a secret and trying to protect her children from a very violent and sick person. We all know someone who has been in an abusive relationship or is still in an abusive relationship. Could this be you?  I wanted to share comments that friends shared and it is my hope that this reaches 1 person. I am not here to judge because I am not living your life…I am here to help and to be your mouthpiece.

FACEBOOK FEED(a little long…but please read)

  • Friend: Well said Vanessa.
  • Friend: I guess it doesn’t say much about her…..or her self-esteem….
  • Friend: Real men don’t hit
  • Friend: or maybe it does. i think, without being there to witness their growth, that this may be irresponsible to post. do you know what developments have taken place, personally? what if they have taken on private lessons to achieve something healthy and wonderful? then that would prove love can overcome anything, if both parties are willing. we don’t know.
  • Friend: never hit a woman – that’s called morals 101

dani and alluraVanessa: L. you are entitled to your belief…I have 2 beautiful girls and my message is directed to them and their friends…I stand by my words.

  • Friend: the pictures posted here are not accurately in their sequence order, Vanessa. Although I share your passion for the crime, this is unfair, unjust, propaganda.
  • Friend: teach your girls truth, not fabricated and manipulated fiction, using real lives and distorting them to suit your lesson, please.
  • friend: hmmm…i believe statistically it takes approximately 9x (but don’t quote me) for a person to leave their abuser. It takes extensive therapy and by therapy the parties have to accept their roles in their relationship. I think these two can definitely, being in the public eye, send a much better message than this. They are not role models.
Vanessa Leggard friend…you are entitled to your opinion…this is factual and not fabricated…Please explain how I am distorting the truth?
  • @friend, you raise a few great points. However, it would be just as easy for me to say “what if” none of those things happened. You are right, we just don’t know. What we do know is that once certain lines are crossed in relationships, there is no turning back. The problem here is that we are dealing with a highly publicized young couple that young girls adore. Many young people don’t make their own values, but rather accept things that are perceived to be acceptable by the masses. The way a young girl may interpret this could be along the lines of: “he beat her up, they had problems, now they are back together and its ok because they look like they love each other.”
  • friend: I mean here is guy who recently got into 2 highly publicized incidents where he got physical during both instances. He seems to have a liking for throwing fists. He should quit his music career and join the UFC. I would really like to see him try to beat up Kimbo Slice.
  • friend: Watch this…just a perspective from someone who moved on…Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why domestic violence victims don’t leave 

  • Friend, I believe the statistic you quoted about 9X is correct. I work with several organizations that deal with violence against women and they often use the same statistic.
  • Friend: Ive been through this. It is best to leave so you don’t end up dead, through all of the ‘trial and error’ of his healing path, and before your children become his target and end up growing up to be just like him.
  • Friend: This guy needs a beating or help or a ticket to jail… He’s a simmering pot that just needs a little more time to really explode commit murder then whose fault will it be?????
Vanessa Leggard  friend: thank you so much for sharing this video…I feel so strongly about this.. I had a friend years ago who was in an abusive relationship who did not tell anyone she was being abused and when she tried to leave her husband killed her. I have another friend who was being abused and I helped her move when her husband left for work, I was so scared but I did it to save her life..
  •  Friend: thank you so much for posting this. I do understand where you are coming from because I have 3 younger sisters. Celebrity couples need to hold themselves to a higher standard due to their influence on young people.
  • Friend: People can change if they seek help. People make mistakes. Men have to teach Men to be Men. That’s when change will really come.
  • Friend: people MAY change but most often don’t. They have to want the help, not be forced to get it. My Ex knew he needed help but refused to follow through with it. Men did try to teach him but he choose to follow his own path.
  • Friend:  I am sorry that you had to deal with that. As the video that Pamela Pickens posted above said, 15% of victims of domestic abuse are men. I was one of them. Living through domestic abuse presents many challenges, but I believe that I would not be the strong person that I am today had I not gone through those trials. You are right, while there are a general pattern of events, the individual must choose his or her path. Thank you for being brave enough to talk about your troubles. By being brave, you will give others courage.
  • Friend: I agree completely. I am worried that many young adolescents will think it is okay to be with someone or go back to someone who abused them. The media should not hone in on them so much and give their relationship a positive light.
  • Friend: I am glad you posted this Vanessa. I have a 2 year old daughter myself, and I would not wanting her thinking it is OK to be abused by a man. When young girls look at Rihanna, they envy her as a person and her music. They also may believe its ok to be abused because Rihanna is back with Chris Brown, who obviously has some anger issues. He is always in the media involved in one altercation or another. He obviously has not learned his lesson, and most abusers never do. Once you cross the line in a relationship, like being physically abusive, it is hard to get that back. It’s just a matter of time. I just hope that young women out there don’t get the wrong message by Rihanna and Chris being back together. They need to know that abuse is wrong, no matter who you are. Again thanks Vanessa for spreading the word!
  • Friend: She has very low self-esteem because I work with DV/Rape victims in the Emergency Rooms Nassau County for 13 years.guess what they go back and these woman are 40 years old & up.This is normal for her if you look at her history of her childhood. I don’t judge nobody because I work directly with these people who think they are in a normal relationship. Men are abused also.She wants to be loved. Just like all us woman but she doesn’t know love is never abuse. One day through Gods grace she will get it. Abuse doesn’t mean physical there are plenty of men verbally abusive towards their woman nobody says anything. Self Esteem starts from age zero to 5 years old. As a Day Care Provider working with kids age 6 weeks to age 12years old. I have seen so many abusive Children .It’s really sad. You are a great Mom and your girls won’t have that issue. Thank God.
  • Friend: In my experiences with women and men in this situation, men connecting with other men for counseling with familiar cultural backgrounds and understanding has helped. There are so many dynamics i.e. lifestyle, mentally illness , drug dependency and alcoholism, or just damn mean people. I have even seen abusive women who take advantage of the services provided to women who really need help. I think every case is different and there are more than one box people fit in. I am not that forgiving of anyone who is abusive. Some couples do get back together,grow and learn to respect each other. How this couple is doing this would be nice to see in the media, since everything else is so public.
  • Friend: Thank you so much for your post. It speaks the truth. I was in an abusive relationship for a year. He almost killed me. Literally. I am lucky for I am a survivor. When I heard Rihanna went back to Chris Brown, I was so sad. And livid. I too spewed things like “what are you teaching the young girls who listen to your music?! What type of message are you sending?” And then on the other hand, what type of message is Chris sending to all the boys/men out there? And he didn’t just push her. (And pushing is by NO means ok) He beat her face into a swollen bloody mess! There is no amount of help/therapy/anger management that can help this guy. He has proven this with his recent fist fights that he has gotten himself into.
  • Friend: Unfortunately, if Rihanna stays with him, it’s only a matter of time before history repeats itself. I hope she gets the help she needs to find her self-esteem, realize her self-worth, and gain the strength to move on. All we can do as mothers is teach our daughter’s that this is NOT ok. We are our daughter’s first conscience, her first inner voice. Let our voices rise above that of the celebrities and the media. Thank you again for posting. God Bless.
  •  Friend: I already did explain how you are distorting the truth. the last time we know, factually, that he has had incident with her was when? the date, please:____________. do you think that you know that these two people have not been working with professionals since then? I agree with your opinions. I am simply sensitive to people spinning or insinuating what is actually history, as current events. this is not substantiated truth, when pictures are deliberately displayed as story board out of their sequence.what gives us the right to use the private lives of two people and make examples of them from their past, when we don’t know the current facts? I rest better knowing I would feel the same about you. Make no mistake. I abhor abuse of any kind and never condone it. But, I would not feel compelled to use the lives of two people I don’t even know personally, to teach my daughter this lesson.
  • Friend: listen to Hathor, trust and respect is all there is
Vanessa Leggard @ Friend.. I am sorry you feel this way but as I stated earlier I stand by my words. If anyone is offended by what I said that is on them. You are entitled to how you feel and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, I am sure there are others that will agree with you. This is my opinion that I am expressing on my wall. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  • friend:  I appreciate everyone’s opinion, here, and I am thankful for the opportunity to explain mine. All good points. I’m comfortable with mine. I worked in a women’s center, New Directions, for abuse, etc. in the 80’s. I’m also a feminist with women’s studies behind me. all of which have contributed to my findings, today. I pray that Rihanna is in therapy. I pray that they both are. I know the concerns you have with young girls seeing celebs. it’s a parent’s responsibility to see that their children are engaged in activities outside of that environment, entirely, it’s not the celebrity’s.
  • Friend: Vanessa I am a father of a 14 year girl and if anyone did than to my daughter they we have to lock me away so he would not be killed I agree with 200 percent. Woman should have more self-respect and leave any man who puts his hand on them at any time. because they are not a man if they do that peace
  • Friend: Just because you are offended, doesn’t make it right. Just saying… 1st time a woman may be lucky to escape in tack, 2nd time they may lose their lucky charm. all it takes is one rage… Do death should they part? Would anyone in their right mind want their daughter, or mother to take that chance? smh It’s called self-respect, often woman like Rihanna loose it. That said, let’s hope she makes it out of the next time alive, and trust me, there will be a NEXT-TIME.
    retreat2If this is your story, you are not alone. Crazy Love-Break the Silence-Stop the Violence..There are many organizations to help you. Here in the East End The Retreat domestic Violence Services is a fantastic organization. Domestic violence is not just administered towards women, men are also victims of domestic violence and so are children. The Retreat’s mission is to provide safety, shelter and support for victims of domestic abuse and to break the cycle of family violence. In pursuit of our mission, The Retreat annually provides help for thousands of families. Please visit their website for more information.
    The Retreat and Southampton Youth Bureau have partnered for Safe Dates, a 10-week dating abuse prevention curriculum geared towards middle and high school students.
    The first Safe Dates series will begin on March 5, 2013, at the Southampton Youth Center which is located at 655 Flanders Road in Flanders, NY. For more information call 631-702-2392 or

jitneyGreetings Hamptons Mouthpiece readers…Looks like Hampton Jitney has some competition going on in the Northfork. Did you know that a round-trip to NYC from the Northfork is $40, but from the Southfork it is $53.00…Seems a bit unfair to me, but then again everyone in the Hamptons is rich..right? We don’t watch our pennies and we all have money to burn. I guess that is why the gas prices are more expensive and the food as well.

I was a bit perturbed when I picked up the Hampton Jitney bus in Manorville and my round-trip was the same cost as if I boarded from Montauk, seems ridiculous wouldn’t you say. A woman sitting next to me on the bus told me about another bus service in the Riverhead area..BOLT BUS. Have you heard of them, they are the bus that sometimes has offers for $2 seats.bolt

classicI looked them up on the Internet and called the company, they have buses that leave from 3 areas in Long Island, Riverhead, Melville and Ronkonkoma. The prices vary from $12-$20 one way, a competitive price with both the LIRR and the Hampton Jitney. Hampton Luxury Liner a division of Classic coach based out of Bohemia, NY will operate as the Long Island licensee for BoltBus a division of Greyhound. The new bus concept has the support of Islip, Brookhaven and Riverhead towns. I am excited that it is another option for the East End and for areas like Melville and Ronkonkoma areas.

So my friends unfortunately Classic Coach & Luxury Liner are working with Bolt Bus & Greyhound don’t look for any deals to come to the Southfork since the Luxury Liner dominates the Southfork with the Jitney. Your best bet is to park in Riverhead and take either the Jitney or the Bolt if you want to save some extra dollars.


iconI am bummed, it makes sense for me to take the bus if it is just me, but add another person and it is just too expensive. If you do need to drive into the city, check out the ICON APP on the iPhone and Android…special discounts for parking throughout the city.