“Hamptons Style” Mouthpiece Style of the Day: How to Wear Prints…Prints can be very ,very scary. Things like too much or not enough can play a big part in what is being tried. No more fear Mouthpiecers, your fashion consultant is HERE. Prints can really help spice up an outfit. The key to matching is not to wear all the colors or the color you see the most. The key is grabbing that small color and bringing it out. Check out these outfits and try them out.

Remember, Prints are your friend. Be nice to them and they will be nice to you 🙂Prints are your friend1

 One print needed. The mistake that happens the most is using too much print. Either pants or top NOT both.Prints are your friend 3

Prints are your friend 2


Keiana K. Burton The Fashion Students Association, Fashion Awareness Chair Co-Founder and Editor of TheBengalBuzz.com Fashion Consultant for The Lens Magazine Buffalo State College, Fashion Merchandising

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