


Hamptons Wellness:Healthy Foods essential to your well-being…Take a look at these 3 food items that are healthy Foods to Eat…

bigstock-Fresh-salmon-fillet-29411951Salmon: Eating two or three servings of fish a week is a simple way to improve your health wellness and stave off certain illnesses and diseases. Salmon is one of the most nutritious types of fish to add to your diet. It supplies iron, zinc, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, as well as a whole host of other nutrients you need for good health. It has Selenium which is a mineral that keeps your thyroid working properly and boosts the health of your immune system. Those looking for more ways to give their immune system an additional boost may want to try products like those from Quantum Health which include L-Lysine and Vitamin C, as well as four other well-researched immune health nutrients. Selenium also works as an antioxidant, which means that it destroys free radicals. Salmon has a specific type of unsaturated fat called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids lower your risk of dying from heart disease, according to Mayo Clinic.

For more information on the benefits of eating Salmon, click here:


Yogurt: protein (about 9 grams per 6-ounce serving), plus several other nutrients found in dairy foods, like calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, potassium, and magnesium. Yogurt consists Probiotics which are “friendly bacteria” that are naturally present in the digestive system. Live strains of these “good bacteria” are also found in many yogurt products. While more research needs to be done, there’s some evidence that some strains of probiotics can help boost the immune system and promote a healthy digestive wellness tract. If you can get greek organic.

for more information on Yogurt as a healthy food, click here:


bigstock-Big-fresh-orange-28947719Helps Prevent Cancer: Oranges are rich in citrus limonoids, proven to help fight a number of varieties of cancer including that of the skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. Prevents Kidney Diseases, Reduces Risk of Liver Cancer, Lowers Cholesterol, Boosts Heart Health, Oranges are full of potassium, an electrolyte mineral is responsible for helping the heart function well. When potassium levels get too low, you may develop an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia. Oranges are full of vitamin C which protects cells by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals cause chronic diseases, like cancer and heart disease. Oranges are full of dietary fiber that stimulates digestive juices and relieves constipation. Oranges Helps Create Good Vision, Oranges are rich in carotenoid compounds that are converted to vitamin A and help prevent macular degeneration. The flavonoid hesperidin found in oranges helps regulate high blood pressure and the magnesium in oranges helps maintain blood pressure. Oranges are full of beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant protecting the cells from being damage which also protects the skin from free radicals and prevents the signs of aging. Other alternative methods to promote a healthier body are using different herbal remedies such as liver health supplements, to promote healthy liver and attempting to reduce the risks of liver cancer. That disease can be extremely dangerous, so it’s important that people try their best to keep their lungs healthy. If they notice any symptoms of liver cancer, they should contact their local healthcare professional to ensure they can prevent the disease from going unnoticed. By using ultrasounds, from https://www.butterflynetwork.com/, doctors will be able to detect any tumours. This will allow them to perform tests to determine whether it is cancer or not. To prevent this from worsening, a lot of people use supplements, especially if they do not like the taste of the natural, food products that are proven to reduce the effects of diseases and viruses. They are therefore a good alternative to not having anything extra to protect the body at all.

for more information on oranges as a healthy food to eat: click here: