


Hamptons Wellness: Drink more water: it’s the best thing you can do for your health!

Do you want to have more energy, clearer skin and fewer colds? Drink more water! Our bodies are 60% water. We are losing fluids constantly through sweat and urine. We need to continuously replenish the lost fluids in order for our organs to be working properly. Are you always tired? Is it hard to focus? You might be dehydrated: our brain is mostly water! You could just drink water, but if you are at the point of dehydration then you may need something else, such as the electrolyte formula from Magnak. This is because the symptoms of dehydration are experienced due to a loss of both water and electrolytes, as when you lose water you also lose electrolytes. Also, if possible, try and drink hydrogen water. Hydrogen water is great for the body which is why so many people drink it! If you don’t know much about it, you can get more information here. Water is so important for a healthy body and there are lots of reasons why.

Just from the top of my head, the benefits of drinking enough water are:

  • It increases energy and relieves fatigue
  • It helps you lose weight
  • It flushes out toxins and reduces the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections
  • It moisturizes your skin and improves your complexion

  • It boosts immune system, helps prevent headaches and leg cramps

  • It helps you perform better in sports, build more muscle and prevent injury

Enough? Because I could go on! But I think that I convinced you…Drink more water: it’s the best thing you can do for your health!

Now, how much water do you need to drink to be adequately hydrated? I am sure you heard about 8X8 rule – 8 8-ounce glasses per day. Lately, I have been seeing this rule: divide your weight in pounds by 2 and drink that many ounces. If you weigh 140 lb, you should drink 70 oz of water per day. If you hate keeping track of ounces, just drink water every hour on the hour. Program your phone if you have to!

If drinking plain water is hard for you – and it is for some people – try making flavored homemade “Vitamin Water”. Alternatively, you could make use of a product like the one reviewed at https://waterfilterway.com/aquasana-reviews/ in order to improve the taste of your water. Here is a recipe for “Vitamin Water”:

  • take a nice large glass jar, add some sliced fruit (lemon, lime, orange, strawberries, watermelon etc in any combination)
  • some herbs (I like mint and basil) and even vegetables (cucumber is delicious).
  • Fill it with water, let steep for an hour and enjoy!

It is gorgeous and delicious. Another trick is to drink it through a straw – it involves different muscles and water bypasses the tongue this way; some people find it easier.


Drinking water is the easiest, cheapest and surest way to dramatically improve your health. I’ll drink to that!

Hamptons Wellness: Injury Prevention in Young Athletes..The core is the key

Young athletes are at great risk for injury. All parents, coaches and the young athletes themselves must become aware of these facts. Our children are very competitive. Some of them will become involved in team sports and excel. Kids that take part in one sport are more at risk for repetitive motion injuries as well as kids who engage in many sports who do not rest sufficiently between sporting events and training routines. Putting a proper routine of care into place, such as by having sports cryotherapy or other forms of physio, is vital. Appropriate nutrition is a key to injury prevention too. Unfortunately, some will get injured early and never be able to participate in sports again. This is a missed opportunity that does not have to happen.

However, it’s important to remain positive even if your child is injured in sports. An injury does not always mean they can’t return to what they love. Often, things like back injuries such as spondylolisthesis can be incredibly daunting and seemingly the possible end to participation in sports. This particular back injury is very common for the competitive kids out there who are putting maximum effort into their sports. Nevertheless, places like Medical City Kids Orthopedics are able to treat such injuries and hopefully, have them back doing the things they love in the minimum recovery time possible.

This discussion is not only about the best young athletes. The risk of injury is present in everyone who participates in sports no matter his or her age so having knowledge of a podiatrist kansas city, or somewhere more local to you, in the back of your mind can only reassure you that help is available should you ever need it. However, it is important to recommend sports participation early in our lives because it sets us up to remain healthy throughout our lives. Improved cardiovascular and muscular-skeletal development and maintenance, leads to sustained cognitive function, as we get older. So participation in sports when we are young is a leading indicator of a healthy life.IET-indoor

This begs the question; how do we prevent injury? We are all familiar with the terms Rehab or rehabilitation. This is usually the course of action after an injury has occurred. As such, many athletes tend to seek out a professional who specializes in the area of Sports Rehabilitation. Some of these therapists can be found at somewhere like Luna, and can be contacted when you want to get your recovery back on track. And when an injury is concerned, the timing of their rehabilitation has to be right. I suggest that for our young athletes, we become familiar with PREHAB. Why not prepare the body for the rigors of exercise and sports by specifically targeting the training and exercise routines necessary to prevent injury?

Many of our young athletes train improperly. This is not an indictment of our team coaches or trainers but recognition of the limited time and resources they have to address the needs of all the athletes they have to manage, especially at the Middle and High School levels. It is well known in the area of sports medicine that the development of the core and core training, exercise and strengthening is very important to the prevention of injury in young athletes.

I have a daughter who is an athlete and has aspirations of becoming an elite athlete in track. She has been injured before with a strained Achilles tendon. This injury impaired her ability to run and she lost time on the field as a result. This year, we sought to help reduce her risk of injury by investigating where we could get her trained and strengthened and we discovered IET, Integrated Exercise Therapy in Bridgehampton. We learned that some of her field hockey teammates had been participating at this facility and were excelling in their sport and we figured, what the heck, lets give it a try.

When we got there, Andrew and Molly greeted us and then very quickly started an evaluation of Allura’s flexibility, strength and core weaknesses. The video that we are presenting shows one segment of that evaluation. We were amazed at how quickly IET identified risks for injury and developed a structured, progressive PREHAB routine for Allura to follow.

We can only suggest that any parent of a young athlete pay close attention to the risks of injury in their kids. It is amazing how frequently injury occurs with young athletes and the costs associated with health care and rehabilitation after the fact; not to mention problems that may arise as a result of growth plate abnormalities and subsequent life long impacts.IET_NHB_7592

Our kids are participating in organized sports teams; football, basketball, baseball, field hockey, track, soccer and volleyball as well as skateboarding. Injuries are going to happen. We have chosen to seek additional sports therapy outside of her normal work-out routine with her team to help Allura reduce her injury risks by improving her physical strength and flexibility. Whether you choose IET or another method for reducing the risk of injury in your young athlete, do not hesitate in getting started as soon as possible. Lost time in the athlete’s sporting life as a result of injury can be prevented. The Core is the Key!

For more on this topic: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/248796.php

photos and video by Kurt Leggard…

Hamptons Hipster: Get the Look:Wear Red. Raise Your Voice

February is not just for celebrating Valentine’s Day but also Heart Disease Awareness. Heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined. Wear Red. Raise Your Voice. Go Red on National Wear Red Day®

Wear Red. Raise Your Voice.

Red dress
$175 – gloria-agostina.com

GUESS pumps

Hoop earrings

OPI nail polish
$30 – nelly.com

Beauty.com $15 off $75 purchase

In the Know: Cold Weather Safety TipsGreetings Hamptons Mouthpiece readers…here are some tips for staying warm this winter.


Tips for Staying Warm

Exposure to cold can cause life-threatening health conditions. Avoid serious conditions such as frostbite and hypothermia, by keeping warm.

• Wear a hat, hood, or scarf, as most heat is lost through the head.
• Wear layers, as they provide better insulation and warmth.
• Keep fingertips, earlobes, and noses covered if you go outside.
• Keep clothing dry; if a layer becomes wet, remove it.IMG_1455

Seniors, infants, the homeless, and those with chronic medical conditions are at increased risk. If you know of friends, neighbors, or family members who may be at risk check on them to make sure their heat is working and that they are okay.

Helping Others

Recognize the signs and symptoms of hypothermia and frostbite:

Hypothermia is a life-threatening condition where body temperature is abnormally low. Symptoms may include shivering, slurred speech, sluggishness, drowsiness, unusual behavior, confusion, dizziness, and shallow breathing.

Frostbite is a serious injury to a body part frozen from exposure to the cold. It most often affects extremities like fingers and toes or exposed areas such as ears or parts of the face. Redness and pain may be the first warning of frostbite. Other symptoms include numbness or skin that appears pale, firm, or waxy.

Provide first aid:

• If you suspect a person is suffering from frostbite or hypothermia, bring him or her someplace warm and call 911.
• If medical help is not immediately available, re-warm the person, by removing any damp clothing and covering them with warm blankets.


Improper use of portable heating equipment can lead to fire or dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Take precautions to ensure you are heating your home safely. Green Horizon One Hour Heating And Air Conditioning is the perfect solution as they will help you to make sure your home is ready for all weathers, and will install the relevant equipment safely.

If your home experiences frequent heating issues you may want to upgrade your heating system to include a heat pump. To learn more about how installing a heat pump could improve your home heating and also reduce you energy bills this winter, check out this guide to heat pumps.

During terrible weather, you should always give regular checks to the structure of your house, if you find your roof has taken a huge hit with extreme weather, it is best to get it checked and fixed by storm damage roofers (in the instance of a storm happening) to ensure you’re kept safe during these months.

Fire safety tips:

•Use only portable heating equipment that is approved for indoor use.
•Keep combustible materials, including furniture, drapes, and carpeting at least three feet away from the heat source. NEVER drape clothes over a space heater to dry.
•Always keep an eye on heating equipment. Never leave children alone in the room where a space heater is running. Turn it off when you are unable to closely monitor it.
•Be careful not to overload electrical circuits.
•Make sure you have a working smoke detector in every room. Check and change batteries often.
Carbon monoxide safety tips:
• Install a carbon monoxide detector in your home and check it regularly to make sure the battery is working. NYC law requires owners to provide and install at least one approved carbon monoxide alarm within 15 feet of the primary entrance to each sleeping room.
•Make sure your heating system is kept clean and properly vented; have worn or defective parts replaced.
•Kerosene heaters are dangerous and illegal in New York City.
• Don’t heat your home with a gas stove or oven.
•Do not use any gas-powered appliance, charcoal grill, or hibachi indoors.
•Open your garage door before starting your car and do not leave the motor running in an enclosed area. Clear exhaust pipes before starting a car or truck after it snows.
•The most common symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is headache. However, symptoms may also include dizziness, chest pain, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, people can become increasingly irritable, agitated and confused, eventually becoming lethargic and lapsing into unconsciousness.
•If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, call 911, and get the victim to fresh air immediately, and open windows.


For more information about cold weather safety and how you can prepare for emergencies call 311 or visit

Suffolk County: www.suffolkcountyny.gov
NYC: www.nyc.gov/oem
Nassau County: www.nassaucountyny.gov

Hamptons Spotlight: They are Dead and I Choose to Mourn Publicly

They are often forgotten quickly by everyone except their families. Lost in the obscurity of our very busy schedules. We are often told that ‘life moves on’ and so it does but there is a sadness that the passing of 12 souls will only be briefly remembered by those not directly affected by their passing. I choose not to be brief in my acknowledgement of their lives and the mourning of their deaths. I choose to mourn publicly! I have tried to read about these twelve victims of the Washington Navy Yard shooting; to learn a little more about them. It is uncomforting to know that so many of these people had daughters. I have daughters. Many were sports fans as one might suspect. One, a volunteer to make sure that the nests of Bluebirds was prepared to receive their small hosts. They had hobbies; they were family people, all the stuff that makes life worth the living these people had in their lives. Gone in an instant.

I would write about my opposition to high capacity weapons without any opposition to the right of ownership of guns but that is a story for another day. Today I feel the need to focus on the plight of people and families suffering with mental illness in their midst. I have first hand knowledge about the silent suffering of those with mental illness because that sorrow has been visited on my family. It is extraordinarily difficult to manage because of the nature of some of those illnesses. Many times the illness is unrecognized or ignored. In some instances the onset is early in life and sometimes there is a late onset. Mental illness affects children, adults and the aged with varying degrees of affliction. Always there is pain and suffering with the individual and there is too often shame, hopelessness and helplessness experienced by the family. What to do? Where to seek help, a voice of support, respite from the endless hours of caring and concern with no escape. As you can see there is often no rhyme or reason to how mental illness will strike. This makes the care and treatment of this malady so difficult to manage. There are some studies that indicate that up to 20% of our population suffers with some form of mental illness. That’s a whole lot of people.

Those suffering with some forms of mental illness do not feel they need help, as this is a manifestation of their disease. This makes seeking help difficult for families and love ones trying to address the illness. Many times, without the acquiescence of the sick individual, everyone, including medical and primary care practitioners are unable to intervene without a court order. This can be daunting to family and significant others trying to get treatment for the ill.

Since the 1980’s, institutionalization of the mentally ill has been frowned upon but there was a concurrent reduction in both federal and state budgets in providing outpatient services for this population. This contributed to the explosion in homelessness, crime and subsequent incarceration. This has always been a shadow illness because of the shame, perceived or real, that was associated with those suffering. Families afraid of the whispers and innuendo tend to hide the afflicted. Drugs as well as biochemical imbalances or genetics induce some mental illness. I say… SO WHAT!!!! Whatever the cause, it is past time to look at mental illness squarely and to address the inequities of funding and services necessary to combat this epidemic.

The experience that I obtained dealing with mental illness in my family prepares me to explain some of what you may encounter as you deal with this trauma. You must persevere; it will be a long arduous journey that you embark on. There are success and relapse, sorrow and jokes, laughter and heartache; all those things that are associated with mental illness. This is no soft sell. This is hard, very hard. Because the science is not absolute and treatment is as much an art as it is a science, the ill may have a varying degree of cure. And yet, sometimes a treatment fits like a hand and a glove. It almost seems like magic when you see the cloud that has settled between you and the ill part and reveal the person you have been searching for, for so very long. You will need to vigilant because that cloud can separate you again and again. Be prepared for the frustrations as well as the miracles.

There are support groups and associations that can be very helpful in assisting you to get the help you or your loved one needs. Do not be afraid to confront the disease, denial is a recipe for disaster. Talk to your friends. TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS!!!! That is why they are friends, to help you when times are difficult not when times are good. Seek medical advice as well as the advice of mental illness specialists. By contacting all of these people, you should be able to reduce the symptoms of your mental health disorder. However, if you don’t feel very confident going to speak to a professional about your mental battle, it could be worth getting some weed joints to temporarily make yourself feel better. Those interested in that method can learn here if they want. Either way, it’s important to get some support however you feel most comfortable. I know this all sounds unreasonable but I have learned that we tend to function at diminished efficiency when we are in the eye of the storm and this is indeed a very frightening storm. All Managed Care and Long Term Care agencies have provisions for mental health services. All HMO’s have provisions for clients with mental illness that can be accessed. There is a political element as well that must be addressed. When Congress or local and State government attempts to reduce the funding for mental illness related services you must be prepared to fight to retain those services. We owe it to memory of the twelve victims of this last shooting or the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School or Aurora, Co, or Tucson, Arizona or…….They are Dead and I Choose to Mourn Publicly

For more information on Mental Illness and Support:
Mental Health Association of NYC
Office of Mental Health NYS
Mental Health Related Support Groups
The Mental Health Association of Suffolk
Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services
Open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday 853-8500