
Food News


To snack or not to snack? Is it better to eat three square meals a day or 5-6 mini meals? Recent studies show that for better blood sugar control, and to help binge eating snacking can be a healthful thing to do. Eating healthy snacks, such as a piece of fruit, string cheese, a cup of yogurt, a small handful of nuts can enhance your overall diet.fruit

Healthy snacking helps you manage hunger by balancing blood sugar.? Studies confirm that when adults or children skip breakfast, they tend to perform poorly both physically and mentally. Skipping breakfast usually leads to eating higher calorie foods and making poor food decisions due to the fact that the body needs fuel right away.

Unfortunately in America, skipping breakfast is very common, and skipping lunch may also follow that trend. It is always better for the body and your waist line to “front load” your food intake when your body needs it the most. A good rule of thumb is to eat about 50-60% of your daily food intake before 2pm. This is where planning your snacks throughout the morning and afternoon can be beneficial to your overall health. By making healthy snack choices, you can provide your body with the extra nutrients and energy that it needs. This can also help prevent binge eating episodes. If you do find yourself struggling with binge eating though, there are professionals you can talk to for Binge eating help so be sure to take a look. yogurt

What is the perfect snack? The perfect snack depends on your individual tastes and preferences. There are no right or wrong food choices. It should be based on what you like, not what your friend is eating on her current fad diet.?There are no special formulas or magical foods to make your snack better then what you could get at your corner grocery store. One way that can help you make a better choice is to think of the components that make up a good snack. A little protein, a little carbohydrate, and a little good fat will provide you with a nutrient dense snack.?For instance, apple slices with a tablespoon of almond butter, or a half turkey sandwich on good quality whole grain bread, a slice of avocado, a little mustard, some lettuce and cucumber. Notice how these choices are specific and portioned out. A SNACK IS NOT A MEAL. A snack is an energy bridge that will get you through to your next meal. It helps prevent you from bingeing on whatever is in front of you when you get home from a hard day’s work.?Also if you do happen to snack in front of your computer or television, make sure you portion it out. Small bowls are great for this.

Remember… it’s a snack.