Fun Day with Fran Drescher in the Hamptons….Wow what can I say it was pretty darn cool to meet Fran Drescher. I have been a fan of the Nanny and have seen every episode but recently my 11 year old has become a Fan and I find myself watching the Nanny all over again…It is just as funny today as it was many years ago. I was excited when I was asked by my good friend Michael Wuydka owner of both the Enclave Inn Hotels in the Hamptons and the East Hampton Studio to come and interview Fran to talk about her foundation Cancer Schmancer. The one person I could think to bring with me was Allura because I knew what a huge fan she is of the Nanny, and Kurt even decided to come on his day off to take photos for me.
Allura Leggard, Fran Drescher, Vanessa Leggard
The event was filled with games, slides, kinect for the xbox, food, live music and much, much more….Luann and Alex from the NY housewives showed up, Simon was there as well to my disappointment without the blue leather pants…Fran was an hour late and the media was getting alittle restless waiting for her to arrive … Just then her car rolls in and out comes Fran in a beautiful White jacket, blue jeans, black Hair flowing and her signature voice saying I am so sorry I am late. She immediately gets busy, she wasted no time….She posed for her photo with anyone that wanted to take pictures with her…including yours truly and the new generation fan. She was very warm and just so patient…see more photo’s at Photography By Kurt
I have to tell you that I really thought her Nanny voice was all acting, so you can imagine my surprise when I realized that it was not an act. I was alittle disappointed that I did not get an opportunity to have a one-to-one interview with her to talk about the Nanny, her new show Happily Divorced, working with her ex-husband ,her beloved Foundation Cancer Schmancer and her new focus; early awareness for children and teens… However I was able to get a small video where she is so open about her own fight with cancer and just how important it is to reach out to women to inform them about early detection and the importance of having yearly doctor visits to the gynecologist and knowing your own body. The Cancer Schmancer Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that all women with cancer are diagnosed with cancer during Stage 1, when it is most curable, through education, prevention, early detection and policy change. Take a look at this video…
Cancer Schmancer has launched their Van line in both NY and California to spread awareness and early detection…Thank you Fran for bringing awareness and reaching out to women who might not seek medical attention due to no health insurance. Thank you Michael Wudyka for partnering with Cancer Schmancer to address healthy eating for our young people and giving them a place to have fun and eat healthy. Congratulations on being Father of the Year…
I end with this video of Leah Laurenti past IDOL contestant who sang at the Family Fun day and I just loved her…She has such a soulful sound….take a listen and judge for yourself.
Publisher of Hamptons MouthPiece*Marketing, Social Media & Online Image Consultant, mother, co-owner of Photography by Kurt… Hamptons Mouthpiece is a lifestyle and entertainment website that focuses on the Hamptons but also real issues that connect with everyone. A perfect resource for the full time resident, seasonal resident and visitors.
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