Hamptons MouthPiece; I would love all of my Hamptons friends to take a look at THNKR PRODIGY on YOUTUBE series and short movie about a look at a young Hamptons friend and cook, Greg Grossman’s starting at Ross School and working around the Hamptons, his first event at 12 at Vered Gallery!

And he is also proud to be a part of Dr. Joanne Ruthsatz’ of OSU Prodigy Autism study, and Dr. James Watson
of Cold Spring Harbor Lab leading the DNA study. Greg cooked this summer in Southampton at private benefits for Joanne and the Southampton Arts Festival as Culinary director to raise money for this research and to bring classical masters to children and families in the Hamptons. With almost 1in 88 children born with an autism spectrum disorder, Dr. Ruthsatz is so close to finding an important key and Greg is thrilled to be part of her program. See 60 minutes math prodigy, Jake one of Joannes prodigies is autistic but graduation college at 14.

Having started his interest in the culinary arts at such a young age with a lot of his inspiration coming from being at Ross School where as you know he was so honored to be awarded the Martha Stewart Scholar Award at Club Starlight gala when he was just 13 appearing on Today Show, Neil Cavuto etc.
Then last year cooking the winning Kung Pao chicken when Times Square was turned into China Kitchen
Stadium for 2 days when NTD TV hosted a benefit gala for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 for the NY Sergeants Benevolent Association and Citi Meals on Wheels. Again Greg’s interest and so many friends from many Asian countries has special significance as his 5 years of Mandarin Chinese at Ross School led him to his incredible interest in Thai, Malaysian and all forms of Chinese cookery. Many Hampton friends attended.

Greg has been doing so much lately and has just recently been filmed as part of the Google THNKR “Prodigy’ Series on You Tube as an extraordinary teen.
A short film about his love of food and doing a tasting for a restaurant with his consulting company. Though Greg is finishing HS at the Professional children’s School in NYC, specifically there to support students with careers, where he and the most incredibly talented students work their schooling around full time careers in the arts, sports, equestrians (like Reed Kessler who made it to the Olympics), known by all at the Hampton Classic , business owners, etc. They are able to pursue their careers while advisors support them and make sure they are getting their work done. Greg has been able to continue his work and his love of food and get a great HS education in NYC. We look forward to seeing young Greg at Hamptons fund-raising events this next summer!
Even living in NYC, Greg still finds himself back in the Hamptons. “It is the place I grew up and where I will always consider my home and I am so happy to be back helping support special charities and seeing my friends”

Hamptons Mouthpiece readers…be on the look out for this up and coming Chef….This is the 1st of many more spotlight articles on people of interest in the Hamptons.
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