It’s that time of the year for the Annual Love Bites Event Benifiting Katy’s Courage that supports Katy’s Kids @ CMEE Center for Grieving Children and Adolescents In honor of Katy Stewart. Over 20 Caterers/Restaurants participate in this evening of delicious food, fun cocktails, awesome people and great music provided by DJ Michael of East End Entertainment. Tickets are $100 or $150 for two.. click on link to purchase tickets https://katyscourage.org/upcoming/love-bites-2019/
This year Katy’s courage honors the Culinary Community of the Hamptons. Bring your appetite and seek out Hamptons Mouthpiece to have your photo taken, it will be featured on our social Media.
January 26, 2019
The Muses
111 Saint Andrew Road
Southampton, NY 11968
(Snow date February 9)

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