WE ARE APPALLED, HORRIFIED AND SADDENED; by the recent attacks on our Jewish brothers and sisters in the recent New York attacks and acts of anti-Semitism throughout the United States. This cannot stand; this is a symptom of a broader problem in this country and the world. Whether it is anti-Semitism, homophobia, vilification of immigrants, racism or the fear and hatred of “the other” we at Hamptons Mouthpiece condemn these acts of violence against our human community. We should not, cannot tolerate and view with indifference the attack on the Jewish community. First it will be Jews, then Muslims, then Blacks, then Latinos, then Asians, then poor people, when will it end? It is imperative that people of goodwill publicly condemn these acts of violence, everyday people in our communities with our families, with our friends. We need to talk about these issues and demand civilized public discourse between our political leaders. THIS IS AMERICA, a land of immigrants, living together, loving our families, praying separately but walking together in this wonderful country. Let us not make the mistake of thinking that this is a majority of people committing these acts of hatred and violence, IT IS A SICK MINORITY that must face the light of equal justice under the law.

The risk that we face is suspicion of each other. We must fight this fear of “the other” or it will lead to a path of hate and destruction of our American way of life. We must judge each other by our actions; we must come together as Americans. We stand with our brothers and sisters in the Jewish community and condemn these acts of violence. Our children are watching; WE MUST STOP THE VIOLENCE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
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