I love the Hamptons in October, the trees are changing colors, the traffic slows down, the beautiful fall colors of the flowers and vegetables,Homecoming for most High Schools, the Hamptons Film Festival takes place during Columbus Day weekend, apple picking, pumpkin picking, but the best part about October in the Hamptons has to be Halloween

I love trick-o-treating in East Hampton because many of the homes are decorated and the inner child has emerged from many of these adults. I love to see so many children all dressed up and the joy that you see on their face as you open the door with a bowl full of candy. I do feel for those who have no candy and hide in their homes afraid to answer the doors because children can be merciless when you hold out on the Candy on Halloween…DO NOT RUN OUT OF CANDY…Apples and Raisins are not a winner with kids… I would actually recommend buying bulk candy so that you won’t run out of anything. Kids can get cranky when you don’t give them candy….especially at Halloween!

Children from everywhere come out to celebrate Halloween in the Hamptons, and that is because we love to make the children happy. Families go all out with decorations, many of the businesses and homeowners spend a tremendous amount of money on candy because it is possible to have over 200 kids knocking on the door saying those words TREAT-O-TRICK. Lets take a sneak peak at what’s happening this Halloween in the Hamptons.My children have spent Halloween in the Hamptons for the last 12 years and it really has been the best part of their childhood.
The Haunted Path and Rec Night…Friday, October 25th @ SYS 1370 A Majors Path, Southampton 7-10pm (6th grade & up!) $2 transportation available from most locations, snacks & hero slices for sale…$5 admission…call 702-2432 for more info.
Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 26..all Ages 1-3pm Come walk the Haunted Path, enjoy Arts & Crafts & Carmel Apple Making! Call Southampton Youth Bureau for more information 287-1511
Masquerade Party…Saturday, October 19th 6-9pm $30 @ B’Smiths Restaurant on the Wharf, Sag Harbor...dress code: Black or White with Mask Judging, Mask Making…proceeds to benefit the New Youth Resource Center of Sag Harbor..for more information contact Debbie Skinner @ 909-7814
VOODOO (Field Of Horrors) Haunted House Friday, October 11, 2013 – Sunday, October 27, 2013 PATTY’S BERRIES & BUNCHES 410 Sound Ave Mattituck, NY 11952 VOODOO (Field of Horrors) Haunted House, a Dark Mansion & Entertainment Oh LLC Production – NOBODY IS SAFE!!!!! Friday through Sunday SHOWS: Fridays: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm (PG13) Saturdays: 2:00 pm to 5 pm (Family Show) – 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm (PG13) Sundays: 12:00 pm to 4 pm (Family Show) October 11, 12 & 13 October 18, 19 & 20 October 25, 26 & 27 $20 Adults $10 Children CASH ONLY Portion of the proceeds will help fight Breast Cancer

EAST END HALLOWEEN PARADES There are several local parades that occur in most towns in the East End, I do not have the accurate dates and times for these parades, the dates listed are based on previous data from past years. Please come back next week for an update to this article. Sat, Oct 26, 2013**Sun, Oct 27, 2013 Westhampton To Montauk Halloween Walk-About: Hampton Bays on Saturday, October 26, at 10 a.m. Stop at any merchants who display a Mark Sinclair Foundation pumpkin in their window. 728-6784 East Quogue Halloween Parade: The East Quogue Chamber of Commerce and the East Quogue PTA will hold its annual “Halloween Parade and Pumpkin Carving Contest” on Saturday, October 26, at 5:30 p.m., starting at the East Quogue Firehouse and proceeding to the Village Green. Southampton Rag-A-Muffin Parade: The 22nd Annual Southampton Chamber of Commerce Ragamuffin Parade & Pumpkin trail will start on Sunday, October 27, at 12:30 p.m., beginning at Agawam Park for free photos by Southampton Village Photo and Graphics on “props” provided by Pumpkintown at Hank’s Farm. The Parade will start at 1PM at Agawam Park then proceed through the streets of Southampton Village (Windmill La., Nugent St., Main St., and Jobs La.) Parade followed by a trick-or-treat “Pumpkin Trail.” Local merchants will distribute special treats to children in costume ages 9 and under. Participating merchants will be designated by a paper pumpkin in their window. 283-0402 | southamptonchamber.com.

Be Safe and Happy Halloween!
*Note: Click on costumes to buy