I recently posted a question on Facebook, “Should Americans be forced to have Health Insurance like they are forced to have Car insurance?” This is a difficult question to answer, originally I said yes because I believe having health insurance is just as important as having car insurance, homeowners insurance, and life insurance. Would you go without any of these insurances? My friend has a fantastic cheap trade car insurance but it is still an additional cost. Why isn’t it equally as important to have health insurance, no one can predict the future, and you just never know what is going to happen in a moment. Many years ago my husband Kurt slipped in front of our house and tore his Rotator Cuff, if we did not have insurance that surgery would have bankrupted us, you just never know what can happen in a moment. I do wonder however is it constitutional right for the government to mandate that everyone must pay for health insurance. Healthcare however is unlike car insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance (like that from policyme.com); Americans have an opportunity of opting out of paying for these insurance services. I understand that healthcare in America is currently not working and a new plan needs to be put forth, but how? The government wants everyone to have health insurance but they also want everyone to pay for it? I agree that everyone should have health coverage because the unthinkable could occur, but for many families this is just not possible. These families are gambling on their good health, which is very DANGEROUS!!!! The idea of buying car insurance through specialist companies such as Affordable Life USA is something that we should all be opting into, not out of. Some people find it difficult to understand the benefits of having car insurance.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that articles titled, All The Questions You Need To Ask When Looking For Car Insurance have been written. Although there is a lot to think about when it comes to insurance, it is definitely worth it. Just be sure to do your research before opting into any policy you come across. You just never know what can happen later on in life and it will be reassuring for you to know that whatever does change, your family will be financially stable, even if you are not here. The idea of death isn’t one that many people like to talk about, but you will have to sooner rather than later. At least looking into it will be a good step to make. If a family of 4 opts out for health insurance and decides to pay out of pocket to see the doctor five times @ $150 each time this would be $600 or $1200 if they go 10 times for the year. If they choose to pay for health insurance their investment could be between $18,000-$24,000 for the year. Which one would you choose? However consider this, no one can predict the next moment and in a second you could break your leg and that cost could easily cost you up to $26,000 and maybe more, now you are spending $2000 over what insurance would cost you and it is only January, Is it worth the Gamble?
Are you feeling me now? Maybe the government should offer different Health Care packages. Free, Moderate & Premium, this way every American has a basic package and those who want more and can afford more will be placed on a premium package. The objective is to keep American’s healthy and this cannot occur when 44% of Americans do not have health insurance and only seek medical attention when it is too late.

Many Americans are against The Affordable Care Act? So lets review the benefits of this Act….

2.5 million more young adults have health insurance on their parent’s plan. ?

• 5.1 million people with Medicare saved an average of $635 on the cost of their prescription drugs. And everyone on Medicare can get preventive services like mammograms for free. ?

• Insurance companies must spend at least 80 percent of your premium dollars on health care and not overhead and cannot raise your premiums by 10 percent or more with no accountability. ?

• It is illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage to children because of a pre-existing condition. And in 2014, discriminating against anyone with a pre-existing condition will be illegal.

For more information on the Affordable Care Act..Click Here:
Personally I am happy knowing that both my daughters will have health insurance until they are 26. Many times young people are very naive when they take their first fulltime job. They will tend to not take health insurance because they live in the now. They do not think about the next minute or the next day. They just do not think anything will happen to them, they think they are invincible. What if the unthinkable happens…they get sick, or in an accident, how much will those doctors’ bills add up to? They think they are in debt with college loans; their heads will spin if they had to add medical bills to their growing list of monthly bills. This young person would be drowning in debt and guess what Parents…they are then moving back home. They are using your electricity, water, food, cable and much more…how much would that cost and how much would it cost you to keep them on your health insurance plan for another couple of years. Today’s college student is graduating with so much debt that if they can save a couple of extra dollars in their paychecks they are opting out of healthcare in the beginning. DANGEROUS!

The other major change is the ability to switch jobs even if you have a prolonged medical condition without fear that another insurance company would not pick up your pre-existing condition. This is HUGE…. This allows you the freedom to not be held captive with the same employer and the ability to increase salary. When an employer knows that you are held captive by your medical condition sometimes they use this against you and place you in a desperate category. You now have the ability to make choices and that is never a bad thing.

Hamptons Mouthpiece readers before you make a decision this year when you go out to vote for the next President of the United States…please keep in mind who is really fighting for you and who is trying hard to make a change in your everyday life. Yes bringing down the deficit is very important but so are the small decisions that can mean the difference between you living comfortably or living on the streets…


Publisher of Hamptons MouthPiece*Marketing, Social Media & Online Image Consultant, mother, co-owner of Photography by Kurt… Hamptons Mouthpiece is a lifestyle and entertainment website that focuses on the Hamptons but also real issues that connect with everyone. A perfect resource for the full time resident, seasonal resident and visitors.

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