Greetings Hamptons MouthPiece Readers…This Saturday July 7th..2012***200 Eastern Long Island Swimmers expected at 3rd Annual “HAMPTONS Swim to Fight Cancer. Swim Across America (SAA) will come to Fresh Pond Beach in Amagansett for the 3rd Annual HAMPTONS Swim to Fight Cancer, hosted by the Town of East Hampton and the East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue Squad.
Swim Across America conducts Open Water and pool swims from Boston to San Francisco each year to raise funds for cancer research and treatment facilities. Since inception 25 years ago SAA has raised over $50 million.
The HAMPTONS Swim offers East End residents an opportunity to make a personal impact fighting cancer by fundraising and swimming. The Swim offers three distance choices, a 3 mile, 1 mile, or 1⁄2 mile swim. The East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue Squad brings over 35 lifeguards to the event on jet skis, surfboards, and stand up paddleboards. From 7- 10am on Saturday, July 7th, there will be no safer place to swim on Long Island.
The primary beneficiary for the HAMPTONS Swim is FIGHTING CHANCE (FC), a not-for- profit organization based in Sag Harbor. FC provides professional counseling and many other cancer related resources to east end patients and their families FREE of charge. In addition, the Swim will fund cancer research at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the Cold Spring Harbor Lab, the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, and the Feinstein Institute of the North Shore LIJ Medical Center.
For more information or to register to swim and raise funds, interested swimmers can go to Or email Swim Chair Don Regan at [email protected].

The primary beneficiary for the HAMPTONS Swim is FIGHTING CHANCE (FC), a not-for- profit organization based in Sag Harbor. FC provides professional counseling and many other cancer related resources to east end patients and their families FREE of charge. In addition, the Swim will fund cancer research at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the Cold Spring Harbor Lab, the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, and the Feinstein Institute of the North Shore LIJ Medical Center.

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